Mortgage Rates & Mortgage Advice in Manchester

Those with a mortgage know the stress of taking one out, and how your process can be severely impacted by the economy.

For example, if mortgage rates fly through the roof where the economy is not performing, unfortunately, you could expect your monthly payments to go up, or in some cases, you may not be able to afford to take out that product now.

Rates have fluctuated massively over the years, and they likely always will. If you are looking to get a mortgage in Manchester, there is neither a best nor worst time to start your process!

It entirely depends on the market, and your application can take a month to prepare, therefore, you should get your process started right away.

Our mortgage advisors in Manchester will try to help you find a mortgage product with a competitive rate of interest; the best that they can at the time of your application.

What are mortgage rates?

Mortgage rates and interest rates are exactly the same. These are the rates that your lender will charge you on your mortgage repayments.

If you manage to seal a low interest rate on your mortgage deal, you could be paying a lot less each month on your mortgage repayments in Manchester.

How are mortgage rates determined?

There are a number of factors that can affect what mortgage rates you are able to access. Most of these factors can be influenced by your personal and financial situation. Examples can include your credit score or your total deposit amount. The lower your lender sees you as a risk, the better rates you may have access to.

At the end of the day though, it is down to the economy. For example, if you are on a tracker mortgage, your interest rate will be determined by the Bank of England’s base rate. The Bank of England’s interest rate is also dependent on the performance of the economy and the position of the mortgage market.

This could mean that the base rate fluctuates, sometimes resulting in higher mortgage repayments. This is something that you cannot control, however, sometimes it can work in your favour if the base rate goes down.

On the other hand, if you were on a fixed-rate mortgage, your interest rate would not change over your fixed term. Your fixed term usually lasts between 3-5 years, although you can take out products over a longer term if you find a deal that allows you to do so.

You may find that when you remortgage in Manchester, your rate may have increased, this will be the best that you are able to get in your personal and financial situation.

Are my mortgage rates in Manchester going to be affected by inflation?

Whilst inflation is on the rise, so will the cost of living. During this incline, you will find that your mortgage rate may slightly rise. Again, this can depend on the type of mortgage product that you are able to take out.

The government try to keep a target for the Bank of England base rate and plans for it to remain at a steady rate, however, when the economy is performing badly, it can slightly rise to balance it out.

When the economy is performing badly and those with a fixed-rate mortgage have a deal that is coming to an end, unfortunately, they could end up on a higher rate. As a mortgage broker in Manchester, we would recommend that you speak with an expert like ourselves during times like these.

We will try to find you the best rate available with a product most suited to your personal and financial situation.

Fixed-Rate Mortgages vs Tracker Mortgages

These two types of mortgages are usually the most popular among homeowners. Both tend to offer favourable interest rates, however, they both work very differently.

As you know, fixed-rate mortgages keep the same interest rate throughout your fixed mortgage term. Whether this is 3, 5, or 10 years, this percentage will remain the same. This means that your monthly repayments will be exactly the same, making it easier to manage your finances.

We can’t give a precise base rate percentage that you would expect a fixed mortgage to have because they are always changing and co-dependent on the economy. Most people look to “fix” in for 3 or 5 years, it is rare that we see people go as high as 10.

Say that you manage to secure a fixed-mortgage product with a 4% rate of interest for 5 years and during the 5 years, the interest rates shoot up to 5% or 6%, you will be happy knowing that your mortgage repayments are going to remain the same as your rate is fixed.

A tracker mortgage uses the Bank of England’s base rate to calculate your interest rate. This could mean that your repayments fluctuate month on month. Although this sounds like you are worse off, this also means that your repayments may reduce for some months.

Your mortgage in Manchester – It’s up to you!

It is all down to your preference and what you are able to access. Remember that lenders will look at your affordability (such as your deposit) and your credit rating to determine what deals you can access. The best advice that we can give is to speak with a mortgage advisor in Manchester.

They will be able to try and find a deal perfect for your personal and financial situation. They will also recommend the best option for you.

Sometimes it may not be plausible for you to access a fixed-rate tracker or a mortgage, and you may need to explore other options such as interest-only or variable rates. There are many different types of mortgage available to you and your property in Manchester, not just these two.

Speaking with a professional mortgage advisor in Manchester

If you want to speak with experts with over 20 years of industry experience, we are here to help! Our remortgage advisors in Manchester would love to help you through your mortgage journey and help you find that perfect mortgage product.

We are knowledgeable and experienced; our team know how to pick out the perfect product for you. The key is to make sure that you find a product for you that is tailored to your personal and financial situation!

You can book a free mortgage appointment online today and speak with a mortgage advisor in Manchester. We have appointments available 7 days a week, during the morning, afternoon or late at night. Choose an appointment that best suits you!

We are looking forward to hearing from you!

Date Last Edited: December 11, 2023