Remortgage Advice in Manchester

Buying a property is a huge financial investment, in fact, it will likely be the biggest investment of your life. Whether the property is going to be your new home or a buy to let for others to live in, you would hope that over time, the value of it would increase.

A property is not only the largest financial asset you possess, but it also provides a roof over your and your family’s head. This property may also be passed on down through generations to come, or the sale of the property could help family members invest in their own property.

Typically, house prices are always on the rise and match inflation, however, there may be times were they slightly dip due to the economy. If you are a property owner and housing prices soar, it is the perfect time to remortgage, sometimes earlier than you normally would too.

When housing prices rise, usually the best interest rates are available. So, to make sure that you are on the best rate available to you, you should look at your remortgage options and consider taking up a new deal whilst the opportunity is there.

What is a loan to value and why do people remortgage for a better one?

Loan to value, abbreviated to LTV, is the ratio of the mortgage to property value. When searching for mortgage products, LTV will be represented as a percentage. For example, if you are purchasing a property in Manchester worth approximately £250,000 and you have a 10% deposit (£25,000), you will need to take out a 90% LTV mortgage.

Deals within the mortgage market are broken down into tiers/brackets. Usually, the lowest tier is around 60% and the highest is 95%. You will find that not every lender offers 95% LTV mortgages on their panel, for example, specialist lenders may require at least a 10% deposit (90% LTV mortgage). Although your personal and financial situation could affect the type of mortgage that you are able to take out, typically, the lower your LTV mortgage is, the more favourable mortgage deals you should have access to.

In the future, say your £250,000 property has increased in value to £270,000 and your initial £250,000 mortgage balance has come down to £225,000, your new loan to value is 83%. As your LTV decreases, you should be able to access better mortgage rates.

The reason why lower LTV mortgages have a more competitive rate of interest is that you are less of a risk to the lender.

The Different Types of Remortgage in Manchester

Despite most not knowing, there are two different types of remortgage, one being a simple remortgage, and the other being a product transfer.

Beginning with the latter, a product transfer is when you take out a new mortgage product with the same lender and just switch deals. This is ideal if you prefer to use the same lender regardless of the rate included.

If you would rather remortgage in Manchester, you would be taking out a new mortgage product with a different lender. shopping around for different deals with other lenders often opens you to competitive mortgage rates.

As a mortgage broker in Manchester, we will be able to help you through your remortgage and help you find a suitable product to switch to that is tailored to your personal and financial situation.

How do I find out the value of my property in Manchester?

Just like when you originally bought the property, your property will be valuated again during your remortgage. You will not need to take out a property survey such as a homebuyer’s report or full structural survey.

A mortgage valuation will establish the true value of the property. Your lender will have them carried out in one of two ways; using an Automated Valuation Model (AVM) or through a physical inspection. An AVM is also known as a desktop valuation, as somebody is not sent out to inspect the property, they look at their databases to cross-reference similar properties in the area to try and determine the value. AVMs will unfortunately miss these factors. If you would prefer a physical valuation, speak with your mortgage advisor in Manchester so that they can mention your preferred valuation method to your lender. A physical inspection is self-explanatory; someone will come out to the property and valuate it in person.

It is all a game of risk to the lenders. They need to make sure that they are lending against the true value of the property, otherwise, they would be lending more than they need to.

Remortgage in Manchester to Release Equity When Your Home Value Has Increased

Having equity within your property is essentially what lowers your LTV, and as you know, having a lower LTV means that you can potentially access better remortgage rates. Despite this being the case, some property owners may still want to release equity through a remortgage in Manchester to use the funds for another purchase.

Releasing equity from your property does mean that your monthly payments could increase. This is because you are taking out equity from your property which increases your LTV. Depending on your financial situation and how far into your mortgage term you are, you may or may not be able to remortgage in Manchester to release equity.

If you choose to invest your released equity into home improvements, it will likely increase the price of your home. As a mortgage broker in Manchester, we have seen customers invest in garden improvements, loft conversions and kitchen extensions and it increases their property value. Some people will invest in their homes to increase the property’s value, but most will invest in their homes to improve their day-to-day life. For example, if your family is growing and you need more space, you could release equity from your home during your remortgage and invest in a loft conversion.

A property is a huge financial asset, it is important to know the positives and benefits of releasing equity. One of our remortgage advisors in Manchester will be more than happy to help you with your remortgage if you need advice.

Can I remortgage early if the value of my home has increased?

The answer to this question entirely depends on how far into your mortgage term you are. Remortgaging early may result in you having to face an early repayment charge (ERC). This is because you are breaking your initial contract term. We will say that you should only remortgage early if you are certain that it is the best thing to do for your financial situation.

In some cases, remortgaging early when your home value has increased can allow you to access a better rate of interest, and paying the ERC could potentially save you money further down the line. An example of when it was a good time to remortgage early was during the COVID-19 global pandemic. This was because the Bank of England base rate dropped and remortgaging at this time could’ve secured a better rate. Yes, you would’ve received an ERC, however, in the long run, you may end up saving some money on your new rate.

This is a niche example from an odd time, but it does demonstrate that sometimes it can be beneficial to pay the ERC by remortgaging early to save money. We would recommend speaking with one of our expert remortgage advisors in Manchester before remortgaging early, just in case you are on the best deal available. We will be open and honest with you at all times and only recommend the best solution for you and your personal and financial situation.

Date Last Edited: December 11, 2023