Specialist Mortgage Advice in Manchester

The thought of separating from a partner can be quite upsetting. Unfortunately, if things don’t work out and you end up in this situation, there will be lots of things that you will need to sort out, one being your financial situation. If you are financially linked with one another, you may need to try and remove that link so that you are financially independent. This isn’t as easy as it sounds; removing your financial links from others can sometimes be complicated.

An example of a financial link to another person is a joint mortgage. Joint mortgages are mortgages in multiple names, so in this example, the mortgage would be in your’s and your ex-partner’s name. Usually, when people separate, both parties will want to have their name removed from the mortgage. Depending on your situation and your ex-partner’s situation, this can be achieved in different ways.

Divorce & Separation Mortgage Advice UK | MoneymanTV

Divorce & Separation Mortgage Advice in Manchester

If you are going through a divorce or separation in Manchester, it’s never going to be easy. As a Mortgage Broker in Manchester, we’ve seen lots of different situations where a divorce or separation has impacted a mortgage. When people come to us for specialist help, we usually receive the same questions:

  • How do I remove my ex-husband/wife from my mortgage?
  • How do I remove my name from my ex-partner’s mortgage?
  • Can I have two mortgages?

How do I remove my ex-husband/wife from my mortgage in Manchester?

When you are trying to remove your ex-partner’s name from a mortgage, things can get a little tricky. It isn’t just as simple as asking your lender “can you take their name off the mortgage?”, your ex-partner has to agree with it and your lender will have to determine whether both you and your ex-partner will be financially stable after the name is removed.

Firstly, before your ex-partner’s name is removed from the mortgage, you will have to demonstrate your ability to pay the mortgage payments on your own. This also means that you aren’t allowed any help from your ex-partner, whether or not they’ll let you remove another name depends on whether your sole income allows you to meet the mortgage payments. You should also know that at the point of your application, you both were associated with the deal, therefore if you fall into arrears, the lender can pursue either of you.

Typically, if you are trying to remove your ex-partner’s name from a mortgage, you are going to remain living inside of the property. We find that if there are children involved, it’s usually the case that the mother stays inside the family home, however, regardless of gender, it’s entirely up to you to decide who carries on living on within the property.

In the past, we have seen struggling customers have family or friends who were willing to step in and offer a helping hand. If you have this option available and you can get someone to help you with your mortgage payments, the lender may be more likely to accept your application to get your ex-partner removed.

How do I remove my name from my ex-partner’s mortgage?

Depending on your situation, it can sometimes be easier to remove your own name from a mortgage. From our experience, if you’re removing your own name from a mortgage, it’s likely that you are the person planning to move out of the property. If you move out of the property before being removed from the mortgage, you should know that you are still liable for the mortgage payments. This is still the case even if you have made an arrangement with your ex-partner that you will not contribute to any of the payments.

If you are still tied into a mortgage with an ex-partner and you try to get another mortgage, you should know that your chances of being accepted might be lowered. A lender may be put off if they can see that you are linked with another mortgage that you still hold accountability for. If you manage to remove yourself from the mortgage and you can evidence that you’ll be able to meet your mortgage payments, you will stand a higher chance of being accepted by them.

As a Specialist Mortgage Broker in Manchester, we deal with situations like this all of the time. Occasionally, there is someone, perhaps a new partner or family member, willing to offer a helping hand. If you are lucky enough to be in this situation, the lender may be more likely to accept your application for a new mortgage despite you being linked to another one.

Lenders will always consider both sides of the argument. They will look at whether your ex-partner can successfully afford the payments on their own or whether they still need your help. On the other hand, they will also look at your situation, will you be able to manage a mortgage on your own? When they are making this decision they will factor in your current mortgage payments and see if you were handling them okay too.

Some lenders may be more generous when it comes to the amount they’re willing to lend you compared to others. A Mortgage Broker in Manchester like ourselves is specialised in this area, we know what lenders are looking for in applications and which lenders offer these specialist products suited for your situation. We have access to thousands of mortgage deals across our panel of specialist lenders in Manchester.

Can I have two mortgages?

Although it’s entirely possible to obtain two mortgages (or more in some cases), a mortgage lender will only lend you a second mortgage if they are certain that you’ll be able to manage both of them.

When going through a divorce or separation and you are linked to a mortgage with your ex-partner, even if you aren’t contributing towards the mortgage payments, you are still financially tied with it and therefore you may oppose a threat to lenders. If your ex-partner fails to meet their payments, the lender has the complete right to pursue you to get money off you. This is why if you are planning to get a second mortgage, yet are still paired to another deal, your chances may be lowered of being accepted for a mortgage.

We are not saying that it’s impossible to get a second mortgage when you are linked to an ex’s mortgage, it may just be a little harder. It’s more likely to be made possible through the use of specialist lenders and a good credit score. If you decide to get specialist mortgage advice in Manchester, you could get a bigger picture of your situation and all of the options available to you.

Of course, you could go directly to your bank, however, if you think smartly and approach a divorce and separation mortgage specialist, you may get the ball rolling a lot quicker and could be looking at deals in no-time. Our mortgage service includes calculating how much you could borrow, working out a budget for you and how much deposit you’ll need to put down.

Moving on from previous joint financial commitments can be quite difficult. Just bear in mind that as far as lenders are concerned, it’s all about the risk. They ideally look to avoid repossession situations at all costs. For further specialist mortgage advice in Manchester, get in touch with our fantastic mortgage team today.

Date Last Edited: December 11, 2023