Mortgage Advice in Manchester

When it comes to applying for a mortgage, you need to be careful and watch out for your credit score. The higher your credit score, the more likely that it is that you will be accepted by a lender for a mortgage. There are many different things that can have an effect on your credit score.

One of these, is the fewer addresses you have on your record the better. People are starting to go about this the wrong way though.

More and more, we see applicants who have moved out of their parents address into rented accommodation, but are still leaving their bank statements, credit card and electoral roll information registered to their parents address.

For some reason, people think that it is a good idea and it could help their credit score, however, it can actually damage your credit score. Almost without fail, if you have moved to a new address, there will be some record of this on your credit report, whether you change your details or not.

Things as simple as a delivery address when you have ordered something online or a car/home insurance search can appear on your credit report.

Check Before you Apply

Before you perform a credit search and apply for a mortgage, you have to make sure that, to your knowledge, nothing will affect your credit score. You will need to get all of your accounts (credit cards / current accounts) and electoral roll are all changed over to your current residential address.

This only really applies to you if you have already moved out of your parents home, as when you are moving out to get a mortgage in a new home, you are able to change your details to the new property once you’ve moved in.

Regardless, all these things needs to be double and triple-checked when applying for a mortgage. We always find that people forget to update their address on their credit file and electoral roll. It can make a massive difference to you in your quest for a mortgage!

It’s important that you get the dates right too, knowing the exact date you moved into your rented property and the day that you left it. If you do happen to make a mistake with these dates, lenders may be under the impression you are living in two places at once.

Impress the Lender

By making sure that every bit of information on your file is up-to-date, you are proving to the lender that you know what you are doing and you are taking the process seriously. It’s a more open and honest way of trying to apply for a mortgage. You want to impress them in any way you possibly can and this is a good way to start doing so.

If you still need a bit more help or just want some insight from a professional Mortgage Advisor in Manchester, feel free to get in touch for a free mortgage consultation.

We know that being a first time buyer in Manchester with no mortgage experience can be hard, which is where we are able to help. Get in touch with your friendly Mortgage Broker in Manchester today.

Date Last Edited: December 11, 2023